Monday, 28 October 2013

Filming: Day 3 Vlog

Quicker and Better way to blog!!

Will we be filming?

The weather has perked up and isn't as bad as the news predicted! There is a slight breeze, however, this shouldn't affect our filming. We will be careful whilst filming outside to ensure the camera isn't blown over if there is a gust of wind. If the weather does get really bad, we will cancel filming for the day and continue another day after half term.

At the moment, I am on my way to Angel to meet the group so we can film our scene inside the Church behind college. We aim to film there for about two hours, then head off for Finsbury Park. Hopefully the weather will stay like this and not cause any disruptions to our filming.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Potential disruptions to filming

According to BBC and other news channels, London is likely to be hit by a storm on Monday - the day we had planned to film in Finsbury Park.
Knowing this, we may be rescheduling the day we film as there are a lot of risks involved in filming in a stormy weather; such as
  • Equipment being damaged by rain or falling/blown away by the wind
  • Members of the group being injured by debris, or catching a cold
  • Not being able to reach Finsbury Park due to blocked roads or train services not running
On Monday morning, we will look at the weather and the forecast again for changes in weather conditions; then decide on whether or not we should go out and film. 

Filming: Day 2 Vlog

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Blogging on the go

Why wait until I get home to blog about my journey in creating this music video? I have just downloaded the blogger app which makes blogging easier to access and do!
With this app, I can now blog instantly about what is happening and update information into the blogosphere staight away
No need to wait for me to get hold of a laptop or computer

Friday, 25 October 2013

Filming: Day 1 Vlog

Filming: Day One (My Experience)


Why Kings Cross as an alternative?
We had decided to film at night becuase the lighting would look good, in combination with a sped up motion blur effect behind the artist. This would also provide a lumious and positive light towards our artist instead of constantly having dark and negative images.

Why Granary Square?
The first thing we thought of when choosing Granary Square were the yellow tables and chairs, as it was an excellent way of inorporating synergy into our video. The fountains/sprinklers also caught our attention.

How did we get permission?
A security guard had provided us with a form to fill out which would grant permission for the day. We did not realise this was a private area and permission would be needed. Luckily, in the end, we did get approval to film the area.

Production of music video: Skills developed

I confident that my A2 planning were much improved than last years'. I say this because this year I was more involved in the group as I was given more opportunities to show my skills and leadership which I felt I needed to show in my final year.

This year I was more serious, more committed and more independent. I saw this because I spent more time on my work and took time to have a think about what i should write instead of rushing through it. I really felt my experience from last year helped as I knew that to improve my grades I needed to improve them.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Research - Summary demonstrating Mulvey's Theory

"In a world ordered by sexual imbalance pleasure in looking has been split between active male and passive female. The determining male gaze projects its fantasy onto the female figur which is stylles accordingly" - L.Mulvey 1992

my interpretation -
We live in a world where women supposed to do 'nothing' while men are allowes to be dominant. We also see the life of how woman are portrayed for the male gaze.

In our society, music videos of today are shown this way
examples -

Sisqo - The Thong Song

Chris Brown - Strip

RESEARCH - Reflection on Progress

Compared to last year, I think I am progressing with my blogging because I have enough blogs that show that I am learning and moving ahead with the tasks that I've been given. However I do feel that I am behind with the blogging tasks because of my other lessons and the amount work it demands but despite all that, I think I am doing well.

If I was to give myself a mark out of 20, Honestly speaking, I would give myself 10 or 9 because like I said, I feel that I am behind. Not only that I feel that my blogs are not as detailed as I am capable of doing them. Especially with the different ICT i could use. I have not really used as much. As i carry on with the blogging task, i should use different ICT to explain or show what I'm doing for this project.

To improve, I need to use different ICT software technology, have a set timetable for organizing the amount of blogs I need to do each day and speak to a teacher when I do not understand a task. Ask to go through my blogs and give me feedback, but I'm sure they'll do so anyway.

Planning: Reflecting on progress

I also felt that I improved on my communication skills as I had to email the church to get permission. I had to write formal and appropriate to address to the person kindly.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Planning: How was the pitch?

My group and I presented our final pitch on Friday to our media class which consisted of our final ideas for our music video and research and planning around it. We discussed many things throughout the pitch and we interacted with the class well, as we were prepared for the pitch and any questions which could arise.
In preparation for the pitch, we divided our pitch into sections.

1)      Concept
2)      Song choice
3)      Brand image
4)      Initial idea

1)      Audience 1
2)      Audience 2
3)      Settings & location
4)      Costume

1)      Synergy
2)      Green Screen
3)      Industry
4)      Theory

1)      Animatic
2)      Production Schedule
3)      Risk assessment
4)      Social media

This allowed everyone to ‘specialise in’ and have a greater understanding on each section, which will be beneficial for all of us. We blogged each section, as a way of sharing our ideas for the pitch, instead of having to continuously meet up which is time consuming.

I, personally, was comfortable with presenting the pitch even though we were following an excellent pitch. I was very comfortable when presenting my part of the pitch and thought that my group and I were clear in the way we spoke, because we had done our research in our ‘specialised’ sections. At the end of the pitch, we had some questions as well as suggestions on some of our ideas which prove that people were aware of what we were talking about and were paying close attention. 

I do think that our animatic could have been better and more reflective of our idea, but we will work on it as a group to improve it. In my opinion, everyone in my group presented very well and we all knew exactly what we were talking about.

Planning Permission for filming

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Planning: Evidence for our colour synergy

I was asked during the pitch to prove to the audience that colours which represented forgiveness were white and yellow/gold.

I have used Diigo to highlight the page.

Wordle: Synergy

Skills Development

A brief overview of how i approached planning this production differently to my AS production work.

The way i approached this - use camtasia in workshop or maybe prezi

Reflection on Progress blog

Compared to  my Reflection on Progress blog for planning, where the three things i said i hoped to improve, which were; 1. increase the level of technologies i use. 2. do blogs in order of checklist and 3. get a Mac so that work is more efficient instead of going workshop all the time, i have two other targets which are; do work on time so that there isn't a build up of work, and work better in a team. In relation to the three things i hoped to improve, i do not think i have met those targets. If anything, the amount of technologies i have used has been less than that of last year but i think its because i have little time or blogs and other technologies usually take up a lot of time so i tend to avoid using new technologies for example. Also i think i have done more of my blogs in order but i'm not sure. In addition to this, i haven't saved up enough for a Mac which is rather unfortunate.

Evidence of Pitch Feedback

Evidence of Pitch Feedback

Using External hard drive to house evidence of pitch feedback which were taken using flip camera.

Planning : Pitch Feedback

Friday, 18 October 2013


After doing the pitch, we had been asked several times about the choice of colours, and why that would be used as an aspect of synergy. We will be using the colours black, white and yellowish/gold.

Black is the colour of the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, creating an air of mystery. Black is the absorption of all colour and the absence of light. It hides, while white brings to light. What black covers, white uncovers. We all use black at various times to hide from the world around us in one way or another. Black will be used to represent the past of our artist/character.

White is colour at its most complete and pure, the colour of perfection. The colour meaning of white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completion.
In colour psychology white is the colour of new beginnings; wiping the slate clean, so to speak. It is the blank canvas waiting to be written upon. White contains an equal balance of all the colours of the spectrum, representing both the positive and negative aspects of all colours. For this reason, white will be our focal colour as the meaning we aim to deliver from the song is about creating new and pure beginnings; furthermore, it is in contrast with the colour black. White offers an inner cleansing and purifying of your thoughts, emotions and, ultimately, your spirit, refreshing and strengthening your entire energy system.

The colour yellow relates to acquired knowledge. Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the colour psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun.
In the meaning of colours, yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness. Yellow is the best colour to create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism. Therefore, yellow will be used to show a positive light and is linked to optimism.


Additional Location

In addition to the other locations, which include the exterior and interior of Finsbury Park, Myddleton square and the connecting roads, and maybe some college locations, i though that the renovation of Kings cross which has finally been completed looked quite good on my way home from a American Football match one day, also the lighting was pretty much perfect and i thought that i could incorporate that into my MUSIC VIDEO.

Using alternate Technology

In this blog post it shows me using my iPhone as an alternate form of Technology instead of the standard issue Flip camera which City and Islington Sixth Form provide. I used this Technology several ways in several ways; 

firstly i took photos of the shots for the Anamatic which i created and thought up myself with no help form other group members.  

Secondly, i then used the same iPhone to send the photos via email to the Mac computers in workshop and then uploaded them onto the hard drive individually and used Final Cut Pro to add them into a timeline/sequence. 

I also did the exact same thing with the pictures of the locations and costumes (used the same iPhone to send the photos via email to the Mac computers in workshop and then uploaded them onto the hard drive individually and used Final Cut Pro to add them into a timeline/sequence), i also took  on my own during my free time.

Asking for permission for church Location.

In the Above Video it shows me and and a fellow group member going to one of our locations after college that we weren't sure wether or not we needed permission and unfortunately we made a failed attempt seeing as no-one was actually in on that day.

Preparing For Pitch: Social Media

We set up a Instagram and Twitter account to tweet and share through images our filming process.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Preparing For Pitch: Production Schedule (14)

Production schedule:

We cannot fully complete a production schedule for several reasons. Firstly, our group is unorganised at this present time and some members of the group may not be able to turn up at some of the location choices, which include the Interior and exterior of Finsbury Park, the church in the middle of Myddleton Square and the road connecting the square, depending on day of filming.

Secondly, we cannot finalise when either of the two actors will be needed because we have not talked amongst ourselves and decided suitable times and such. However, we can say what shots the characters will be needed, and this is reflected in the Anamatic:

Most shots will however be taken in dim light, with a focus on the artist on screen with blurry background mostly, or a slight depth of field. 

I will however make an attempt at a production schedule, and if it does not fit in with other members of Group 27's plans/schedule, their fault for leaving it to one person and having no discussion.

Monday 21st - 4.00pm - Dim lighting, Myddleton Square, exterior (outside church) and interior, inside church where possible.

Tuesday 22nd - 4.00pm - Dim lighting, Myddleton Square, exterior (outside church) and interior, inside church where possible. (Re-fliming, just in case we missed something).

Wednesday 23rd - 9.00am and 3.00 pm - Finsbury Park, exterior (entrances to Finsbury park, including back and front/side entrance).

Saturday 26th - 11Am - Finsbury Park, interior (Duck pond/lake and roads inside the park which will be empty).

Wednesday 30th - 11am - Finsbury Park, Interior (Duck pond/lake and roads inside the park which will be empty). (Re-fliming, just in case we missed something).

Saturday 2nd - 11am - any location we want, to scratch up shots and such.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Planning: Influences on my music video

The music videos which had influenced me on the decisions we made for our music video were ‘Read All About It’ (Professor Green ft Emeli Sande), ‘Time’ (Chase & Status - Time ft. Delilah) and – ‘Good Intentions’ (Dappy)

Read All About It
When watching this music video, the first thing which had captured me was the mise-en-scene. The use of a large empty room and effective lighting was one aspect which I thought would suit our music video. The lighting is reflective of the songs negative, with signs of positive, aspects; whilst the open space is reflective of the life which can’t be expressed and is therefore a sign of emptiness in their life. From this idea, we will be using a garage for the chorus as we would be able to get good lighting in the garage. 

The narrative structure of the video will be used in our music video, as it is in Time. As our song is about forgiveness, I thought it would be a good idea if a reflection of a negative past was shown. This will appeal to a wide audience as they will feel as they are on a journey with the artist – watching the negative past and where the artist is now. 

Good Intentions
The music video does not have much going on, in comparison to many other hip-hop music videos. I found that this had actually helped me pay more attention to the lyrics and understand & interpret the song in my own ways. The use of mid shots and close-ups had also helped understand the song as we could see the artist’s facial expression.
The editing in this music video was good – especially the fades. This is an aspect we will try to incorporate into our video as it represents reflection by the artist on their life.