Production schedule:
We cannot fully complete a production schedule for several reasons. Firstly, our group is unorganised at this present time and some members of the group may not be able to turn up at some of the location choices, which include the Interior and exterior of Finsbury Park, the church in the middle of Myddleton Square and the road connecting the square, depending on day of filming.
Secondly, we cannot finalise when either of the two actors will be needed because we have not talked amongst ourselves and decided suitable times and such. However, we can say what shots the characters will be needed, and this is reflected in the Anamatic:
Most shots will however be taken in dim light, with a focus on the artist on screen with blurry background mostly, or a slight depth of field.
I will however make an attempt at a production schedule, and if it does not fit in with other members of Group 27's plans/schedule, their fault for leaving it to one person and having no discussion.
Monday 21st - 4.00pm - Dim lighting, Myddleton Square, exterior (outside church) and interior, inside church where possible.
Tuesday 22nd - 4.00pm - Dim lighting, Myddleton Square, exterior (outside church) and interior, inside church where possible. (Re-fliming, just in case we missed something).
Wednesday 23rd - 9.00am and 3.00 pm - Finsbury Park, exterior (entrances to Finsbury park, including back and front/side entrance).
Saturday 26th - 11Am - Finsbury Park, interior (Duck pond/lake and roads inside the park which will be empty).
Wednesday 30th - 11am - Finsbury Park, Interior (Duck pond/lake and roads inside the park which will be empty). (Re-fliming, just in case we missed something).
Saturday 2nd - 11am - any location we want, to scratch up shots and such.
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