Sunday, 20 October 2013

Planning: How was the pitch?

My group and I presented our final pitch on Friday to our media class which consisted of our final ideas for our music video and research and planning around it. We discussed many things throughout the pitch and we interacted with the class well, as we were prepared for the pitch and any questions which could arise.
In preparation for the pitch, we divided our pitch into sections.

1)      Concept
2)      Song choice
3)      Brand image
4)      Initial idea

1)      Audience 1
2)      Audience 2
3)      Settings & location
4)      Costume

1)      Synergy
2)      Green Screen
3)      Industry
4)      Theory

1)      Animatic
2)      Production Schedule
3)      Risk assessment
4)      Social media

This allowed everyone to ‘specialise in’ and have a greater understanding on each section, which will be beneficial for all of us. We blogged each section, as a way of sharing our ideas for the pitch, instead of having to continuously meet up which is time consuming.

I, personally, was comfortable with presenting the pitch even though we were following an excellent pitch. I was very comfortable when presenting my part of the pitch and thought that my group and I were clear in the way we spoke, because we had done our research in our ‘specialised’ sections. At the end of the pitch, we had some questions as well as suggestions on some of our ideas which prove that people were aware of what we were talking about and were paying close attention. 

I do think that our animatic could have been better and more reflective of our idea, but we will work on it as a group to improve it. In my opinion, everyone in my group presented very well and we all knew exactly what we were talking about.

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